Development Applications

A development application may need to be submitted before construction or changes to a building can commence or premises can be occupied. All development applications are assessed with regard to Section 79C of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979This includes consideration of:

  • the provisions of any relevant planning instruments or Council guidelines (Local Environmental Plans, Development Control Plans),
  • the likely environmental, social or economic impacts of the development in the locality,
  • the suitability of the site for the development,
  • any submissions made in response to public notification of the development, and
  • the public interest.

Council officers determine development applications under 'delegated authority'. However, a development application may be referred to Council in circumstances where:

  • the proposed development involves significant departures from Council's adopted guidelines or policies,
  • elected Councillors make a request for the application to be determined by Council, or
  • significant public interest is generated by the application.

If your renovation or build requires a development application through council you may need to apply for a BASIX certificate. Read more about BASIX certificates.

Determination of a development application

You will be sent a formal Notice of Determination advising whether your development application has been approved or refused. Notices of approved development are also published weekly in Corowa Free Press and Yarrawonga Chronicle.

Request for further information

The Planning and Environment team may contact you requesting further information as a result of issues which arise during assessment or as a result of public notification. Please note, that a failure to respond may lead to an unfavourable decision. Therefore, you should contact the officer nominated in the letter to advise of any delay or difficulty in responding to the issues raised.

Conditions of Consent 

Any approval of development (consent) will generally be subject to conditions intended to protect the environment, community and neighbours. Conditions may require you to obtain further approvals or certificates before you can physically commence. Typically, a Construction Certificate will be required for any development involving physical works or structures. There may be additional requirements and it is your responsibility to read, understand and abide by all the conditions of your consent.

Failure to abide by any conditions of consent is illegal and may lead to legal action.

Referral to government agencies

Some developments may also require approval by another authority and these are known as integrated/designated developments.

In these cases, Council must refer the application to the relevant authority and seek its general terms of approval. Council cannot approve an integrated/designated development if the relevant authority decides to withhold its approval or comment.

Development applications forintegrated/designated development must include an extra set of drawings, additional fees and may also require additional documentation for the relevant authority.

  • Integrated development
Certain development applications require a permit or license from a NSW Government agency in addition to a development consent and are called integrated developmentCouncil will refer the application to the necessary agency so that there is an integrated assessment of the proposal.
  • Designated development
Designated development refers to developments that are high-impact developments (eg. likely to generate pollution) or are located in or near an environmentally sensitive area (eg. a wetland). For designated development, you will need to submit an environmental impact statement (EIS) with the development application.


Where can I find out more information?

For further information on development applications, contact our Planning and Environment team on 02 6033 8999 and select option 3. 


Statement of Environmental Effects Form(PDF, 422KB)

Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority Form(PDF, 233KB)

NSW Planning Portal

Request a meeting/inspection with a member of Planning and Environment team

Request a quote for fees and charges

Applicant Resources