Livable Housing Design

Australia’s housing needs are changing and housing to meet the needs of an ageing population and to provide better accessibility for all is a key focus of Local, State and Federal governments.

A livable home is designed and built to meet the changing needs of occupants across their lifetime. Livable homes include key easy living features that make them easier and safer to use for all occupants including people with disability, ageing Australians, people with temporary injuries, and families with young children.

Living Housing Australia (LHA) is a partnership between community, business groups and government. LHA produced the Livable Housing Design Guidelines to assist in the construction of homes which will meet changing housing needs.

Designing and building a home which meets the Guidelines enables people to stay in their homes, despite future changes to their housing needs.

Homebuilders and the construction industry are encouraged to implement the Guidelines to deliver homes which can support families and occupants through different life stages.

The Australian Building Codes Board produced the Livable Housing Design Standard to support the Guidelines and assist the construction industry to implement the Guidelines.