Maternal and Child Health

Child and Family Health Centres operate in Corowa and Howlong (run through the Corowa Community Health Service) and Urana. They offer access to health nurses, immunisation services, early childhood information, breastfeeding support and parenting information.


Corowa Community Health Centre

Guy Street, Corowa, NSW 2646

(02) 6033 7555


Howlong Community Health Centre

110 Hammer Street, Howlong, NSW 2643

(02) 6033 7555


Urana & District Health Services

Cnr Church and Princess Street, Urana, NSW 2645

Hospital - (02) 6920 8106
Community Health - (02) 6920 8101


Breast Feeding Association

Support and Counselling Helpline

Riverina, NSW 2650

(02) 6258 8928


Maternal and Child Health Advisory Line

13 22 29 (VIC parent line)

1300 130 052 (NSW parentline)