A range of grant programs and awards exist to support groups to implement community projects and celebrate their achievements.
Find out more about how to access financial assistance, prepare competitive grant applications and nominate for awards.
Find out more information about Federation Council Australia Day Awards.
Community groups and businesses operating in Federation Council will be able to more easily find and apply for grants with the launch of the Federation Council Grant Finder digital platform.
The Community Grants Program is now closed with no further funding rounds available.
The Federation Annual Schools Program is designed to provide financial support to local young people towards the cost of learning and activities whilst studying at school.
Learn more about Round 2 of the Stronger Country Communities program being administered by the NSW Government as part of the Regional Growth Fund.
Council is convenor of the Local Committee for the ClubGRANTS scheme, which provides grants to not-for-profit community groups from local gaming machine profits through an annual program.
A range of external grant programs are available and may be suitable for community groups and organisations in the Federation Council area.
Federation Council is committed to supporting the community to achieve funding via grants programs.
Find out more information about Federation Council Volunteer recognition awards & celebrations
To celebrate National Volunteer Week, Federation Council is offering twenty grants of $250 to not-for-profits, organisations or schools with a volunteer branch or committee, 355 committees, clubs and community groups to assist with commemorating and appreciating their volunteers' contributions.