My Medicine List
Before you take it…
Know: Your medicines and keep a list
Check: That you are using the right medicine the right way
Ask: Your healthcare professional if you are unsure
What is my medicine list?
My medicine list is a list of all the medicines and supplements you take.
Why should I use it?
Keeping an up-to-date list can help you know your medicines.
It can also help you when discussing your medicines with a healthcare professional.
How should I fill it in?
To fill in My Medicines List, you need all your medicines in front of you.
Another option is to ask your pharmacist to print out a list for you. Make sure you include all prescribed and over the counter medicines and supplements.
How should I use it?
Keep your list up to date.
Bring it when attending any healthcare appointment.
You may find it useful to keep a photo of this list on your phone.
You may want to share a copy of your list with your medical power of attorney or a trusted family member or friend.