Development Applications - Notice of Proposed


In accordance with Council’s Public Notification Policy regarding Development Applications, Development Applications are listed for public comment.

Any persons may make a submission on the proposal within a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of this notification. Persons making a submission are required to comply with Section 147(5) of the Environmental Planning Assessment Act (Political Donations & Gifts Disclosure Statement). Forms are available from Council’s administrative offices.

Following the recent announcement by Australia Post that mail deliveries to households will be reduced from a daily service, Council has extended the timeframe for responses to Development Application Notifications from 14 days to 21 days. The extension of time will ensure that the community is provided with adequate time to respond to proposed developments and will assist Council in receiving and addressing the views of the community when assessing proposed developments.

Mail: General Manager, Federation Council - 100 Edward Street, Corowa NSW 2646 (PO Box 77)


Important information regarding your submission

Written submissions may be attached to the public report that is submitted to Council, unless you explicitly request you do not wish this to occur. They are subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (PIPPA).