Independent Peer Reviewed Business Case Study of Federation Council

At an extraordinary meeting on Friday, July 14, 2023 Council resolved to appoint the Institute for Regional Futures (University of Newcastle) to undertake an independent peer reviewed business case study on the financial sustainability of Federation Council and the advantages and disadvantages of amalgamation.
Council adopted the following terms of reference at its July meeting:
- A review and commentary of the validity of the former Corowa Shire Council’s merger proposal submitted to the NSW State Government including all potential efficiencies and savings outlined in that report i.e $40M over 20 years.
- A review State Government’s KPMG report on the Corowa and Urana merger proposal including (but not limited to) a review and commentary on whether the efficiencies and savings outlined in that study and were achieved, and if not why not.
- A comparison of Council’s financial performance since merger as opposed to the combined financial performance of the Corowa and Urana Councils prior to merger.
- Analysis and provide commentary on the projected financial sustainability of the Federation Council from 2023 onwards including (but not limited to);
(a) The circumstances leading to the current financial position of Council and
(b) an investigation of various options for improving the situation – these options will include additional sources of revenue and changes to expenditure profiles.
- Whether, in accordance with section 263 (3) (e5) of the NSW Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) there is a need (or desirability) to divide the Council area into Wards to ensure effective representation.
- Any other matters of section 263 (3) of the Act considered relevant
- Investigate options for engaging with NSW State Government to try to mitigate any issues identified.
- After completing TOR 1 to 7 investigate the need, timing and conduct of a potential special rate variation application.
Further information is available below and updates on this review will be provided as they become available.