Flood Risk Management Options
Flood risk management options were developed and assessed in consultation with a Floodplain Risk Management Committee set up by Council to oversee the project. The Committee comprises Councillors, Council staff, NSW Government Agency representatives and local community representatives from each town.
Options assessed are grouped into three categories:
Flood modification measures
These options modify the flood’s physical behavior. They include new and larger waterway structures (e.g. bridges, culverts), levees, waterway vegetation management, flood storage dams and waterway channel improvements.
Property Modification Measures
These options modify existing buildings through voluntary house floor level raising, voluntary purchase of houses, flood proofing of buildings. They also include flood based development controls for future development.
Response Modification Measures
These options modify the response of the community to flooding by educating flood affected property owners about the nature of flooding so that they are able to make better informed decisions when responding to flooding.