Current Tender Opportunities

 All current Tenders, Quotations and Expressions of Interest are listed below and can be viewed from Tenderlink

Request for Tenders   

Federation Council invites qualified and experienced businesses to participate in our Request for Tender (RFT) process to deliver the projects outlined below.

Project Management for Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) Works

Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced consultants with the immediate capacity to provide a complete project management service to coordinate the delivery of Federation Council's DRFA Essential Public Asset Reconstruction Works. As Council has limited internal capacity, Council requires a consultant who can provide end to end support to Council to deliver its DRFA program.

  • Closing Date: Thursday 11 July, 2024, 2pm
  • RFT: 2024-213


Regional Roads Flood Damage Heavy Patching and Resealing

Council are calling for a full service inclusive, but not limited to; preliminaries, mobilization to site and between patches, traffic management, heavy patching, bitumen sealing and replacement line marking where required.

The work involves heavy patching and resealing of existing bitumen sealed pavements at various locations within the Council area that have been damaged as a result of recent weather events.

  • Closing Date: Thursday 25 July, 2024, 2pm
  • RFT: 2024-205

Documentation relating to the above is available via the Tenderlink link above.


Request for Quotations

Request for Expressions of Interest


Note: If the above sections are blank there are no current Tenders, Quotations or Expressions of Interest.