Abandoned Shopping Trolleys & Vehicles
Abandoned Shopping Trolleys
Shopping trolleys which are not returned to their owner are considered litter. They can pose a hazard to pedestrians and road users and are unsightly in our parks and reserves. They can also have an environmental impact if they enter drains and waterways.
If you have a safety concern with an abandoned trolley, you can report directly to the business or supermarket. For Woolworths trolleys, you can report their trolley as abandoned by using the Trolley Tracker website or download the App.
Alternatively, you can contact Council to report an issue on (02) 6033 8999 or lodge an online customer request.
Abandoned Vehicles
Vehicles that have been parked on a public street or public area and which have not moved for a long time may be considered abandoned.
Council may consider a vehicle to be abandoned if it:
- is unregistered; or
- is registered but has not been moved for a period of at least 2 months; or
- if it is deemed to be not roadworthy by NSW Police or Transport NSW; and
- It is parked on a public street or in a public place.
To report an abandoned vehicle, please contact us with the following details:
- vehicle registration number (if known)
- street and street number if possible
- type of vehicle (for example, sedan, ute or wagon)
- description of the vehicle (colour, make and model)
- any photographs
When an abandoned vehicle creates a traffic hazard, Council officers can take action to remove the vehicle immediately.
You can contact Council to report an issue on (02) 6033 8999 or lodge an online customer request.