Water & Sewerage

Federation Council is the local water authority that provides potable water supply and reticulated sewerage services to the residents of Corowa, Howlong and Mulwala.

Potable water supply for Urana and Oaklands is provided by Riverina Water, P: 02 6922 0608

Water Supply

Water supplies for Corowa, Howlong and Mulwala are drawn from the Murray River. The water is treated at water treatment plants located in each town.

Applying for a water service / water meter
Owners and/or builders can apply for a water service pipe/water meter installation connected to Council's water main, subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act and the requirements of Council. To apply, download the Water Connection Application Form below.
Download the following information from the bottom of this page;
  • Water Quality Reports.
  • EPA Compliance Report Mulwala Water Treatment Plant.
  • Pollution Incident Response Management Plan – Mulwala Water Treatment Plant.

Applying for a water mains/service pressure test

Owners and/or builders can apply for a water mains/service pressure test. To apply, download the Water Pressure Test Application Form below.

Sewerage services

Council operates five separate sewerage systems in the towns of Corowa, Howlong, Mulwala, Oaklands and Urana. Sewerage treatment plants are located in each of the towns.

Applying for a sewer connection point

Owners and/or builders can apply for a sewer junctions installation to Council's sewer main, subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act and the requirements of Council. To apply, contact Council's Water and Sewerage department for a quote on P: 02 6033 8999.

Download the following information from the bottom of this page;

  • EPA Compliance Report Mulwala Sewerage Treatment Plant
  • EPA Compliance Report Corowa Sewerage Treatment Plant
  • Pollution Incident Response Management Plan – Mulwala Sewerage Treatment Plant
  • Pollution Incident Response Management Plan – Corowa Sewerage Treatment Plant