

Each year Council adopts its Delivery Program, which is a public document that includes proposed activities and programs and sets out the revenue policy for the year. Copies of the Annual Management Plan are available at Federation Council Offices and can be downloaded from Council’s website.

Once Council sets its rates for the year, it sends out an Annual Notice of Rates and Charges advising of the amount, the date for payment and how the rates can be paid. Rates are payable by 31 August, 30 November, 28 February and 31 May each year and penalties apply for late payment. Local Government is the only sphere of government to send you a total statement of your tax liability for the year before your payment is due.


Queries, concessions and hardship

Residents are encouraged to read their rates notices carefully to ensure they understand the choices Council has made and the options that are available to everyone.

Council can agree to more flexible payment arrangements for people who have difficulty meeting their normal instalment payments. Further information is available from our Debt Management and Hardship page

If you think Council can improve any aspect of the rating system, please contact us.

Change of Ownership

When your property is sold, your solicitor or conveyancer will lodge a notice of sale with the Department of Lands. Upon registration, the Department will notify Council of the change of ownership. Until this notice is received, Council cannot change the ownership of your property. As there can be delays with the registration of titles with the Department, you are asked to contact Council to discuss rating details.

Council issues rates annually on parcels of land. If this land is subdivided into individual blocks, a new deposited plan is issued. Council may not rate these new blocks until the next financial year.

If you are not selling but moving out of your property, you must lodge a Change of Address form in writing, via email, post or in person to one of our offices.

Download the Application for Certificates Form

Receiving notices electronically

Ratepayers can now receive their rates notices via email. Ratepayers control the registration of their email address and access the site via a logon and secure password. This facility will also archive notices received after date of registration so they can be accessed via the ratepayer at any time.

To use this quick, easy and secure system, go to https://federationcouncil.enotices.com.au and complete the registration process.

Ratepayers also have the option to receive notices via BPay View. Refer to your notice for details on how to set up this process through internet banking.

Please contact Council if you require any assistance in setting up either of these processes.