Frequently Asked Questions

Council receives many questions in relation to rate notices and paying rates. The below responses to frequently asked questions are provided to assist customers. If you have further questions, please contact Council.

  • How do I change my mailing address for my assessment? You must complete the required Change of Address form, which is part of the rates and water account or email Council your changes. Download the Change of Details Form from the bottom of this page.
  • Can I get a copy of my bill? Council charges $25.00 per request to reissue your rate or water bill. Payment can be made over the phone by credit card or at any of Council's offices. Please allow 3-5 days for delivery.  Ratepayers are able to gain free and immediate access to current and historical notices by registering for enotices at Following registration, future rates and water notices will be delivered via email.
  • As a pensioner, am I entitled to a rebate? If you have a Pensioner Concession Card or a Department of Veterans Affairs concession card bring it to Council Offices to apply. If you are receiving a rebate on your rates it will automatically carry over onto your water account.  Conditions apply. Download the application form from the bottom of this page.
  • As a tenant do I need to set up a water account with Federation Council? Please contact the NSW Department of Fair Trading for further information.
  • I don't think I have used as much water as my bill states. What can I do? Firstly, compare the current reading on the account with what your meter is reading now (black dials only). If the read on the meter is lower, contact the Revenue Department to have it checked and corrected. If the read is the same or higher, check your property for leaks. You can do this by turning off all water on your property (not the tap at the meter) and see if the meter is still 'ticking over'. If it is, contact a plumber to investigate for leaks.
  • I have purchased a block to build on. It doesn't have a meter on it but I am receiving a water/sewer account. Why? If your property is within 225 metres of a water main and can be connected to water, then you will be charged an access fee under the Local Government Act 1993. However, as you are not physically connected, you do not receive a consumption charge. This also applies to the sewer if you are within 75 meters of a sewer main and can be connected.
  • I paid by BPay but the amount has not come off my account. Why not? Check that you used the biller code and reference number shown on your water account and not your rates account. If your payment has gone to your rates account, contact the Finance Department to have it transferred. Any interest charged will not be reversed.
  • I have sold my property. What do I need to do? Check with your conveyancer, as prior to settlement they often contact Council to do a special read to calculate the bill or they calculate the bill using the daily average from the last read. A 603 certificate, which is a financial statement of rates and charges levied for the financial year, is usually obtained by the purchaser's solicitor at the same time. All accounts issued by Council after settlement are payable by the current owner.
  • Can I have an extension for payment on my bill? Council will usually grant an extension to make payments on your bill and this is set up as an agreement in the system. If you do not keep to the agreement Council may continue with legal action without notice. Interest will still calculate on all extension arrangements made.
  • If I do not pay my account will my water be cut off? Your water may be restricted if your account is not paid. This means flow to the property will be less than 50 litres per day (enough for a couple of flushes of the toilet) and will not be reconnected until the amount owing is paid in full along with a reconnection fee. Council prefers to use this method only as a last resort.
  • Will I be charged interest on late payment? Yes, the current rate of interest is 7.5% per annum, calculated daily.
  • I live in a strata-titled unit, which only has one meter for all the units. Why do I only pay an access fee? As each unit is not separately metered you pay an access fee that is calculated on if you had an individual 20mm meter and a usage amount above that. This enables pensioners to receive a pension rebate, which they would not be eligible for if the strata proprietor was billed.  You may receive individual usage bills if all ratepayers agree on the percentage of their use.
  • How do I locate my meter? Your meter is usually at the front of your property near the side boundary. It is usually above ground and may have a cover over it. If you cannot locate your meter contact the Finance Department for more information.
  • How do I read my water meter? The numbers shown on your bill are the black numbers on the meter, which show kilolitres. The red dials show litres. To see your water and activity use, read the meter before you start (e.g. watering the garden) then read it again afterwards and the difference between the two numbers is the consumption.
  • I have just purchased the property but there is an arrears amount on my bill. What is that for? The current owner is responsible for all debts on the property. Please check with the Revenue Department to see if an amount was paid on settlement. If not, you should be contacting your conveyancer.
  • I would like my meter read. A Special Meter Read is when a meter is read and a certificate is issued stating what the water bill would be if issued on that day. This is used primarily for conveyancing purposes. Charges apply for meter reads and must be in writing with the fee paid. If you would like to calculate the bill yourself, read the meter and contact the Revenue Department on 02 60338970 for further assistance.