Special Rate Variation Project 24-25

Special Rate variation 2024-2025

We’re working on a project to increase rates – here is why:

To support our community’s lifestyle, Federation Council provides a comprehensive range of community and library services, events, venues, public spaces and parks, as well as sport and recreation facilities. Our strong community spirit is forged from a comfortable and relaxed lifestyle and a willingness to nurture and support residents, local and regional businesses and visitors.   

Council provides a range of services to local residents, business and industry, developers and investors as well as people visiting the region. We cater for a diverse range of community needs and encourage environmentally acceptable development in the region.

For many years now, Federation Council has been on a financial sustainability journey. Council, like many other NSW Councils is faced with the challenge of making sure we have enough money to continue to deliver the large range of services we provide and to look after our infrastructure into the future – things like roads, footpaths, bridges, stormwater drains, parks, libraries, community buildings and swimming pools – and other legislated and non-legislated services. We know that our community values the services we provide and places a high priority on maintenance and renewal of our Council’s infrastructure when it is needed, so the current trend of our service delivery and asset costs exceeding our income needs to change.

In February 2023, Council lodged an application with IPART to increase general income above the rate cap. In May 2023, Council was granted a two-year temporary rate increase of 19% in year one (2023/24) and 17% in year two (2024/25). Council had requested a general rate increase of 19% for 2023/24, with 17%, 14% and 10% for the following three years and for the increases to remain in the rate base, (not be temporary), and reverting to the ordinary rate peg for 2027/28 onwards.  Following Council’s Independent Review into The Advantages and Disadvantages of Amalgamation and Federation Council’s Financial Sustainability Journey Report, as per recommendation 75: an appropriate expert has been engaged to work with Council from February 2024 onwards to progress through the substantial list of tasks that need to be done prior to applying for a permanent SV.

Professor Joseph Drew of the University of Newcastle is leading this project and is supported by Professor Ferreira and Professor Miyazaki. Professor Drew attended meetings with stakeholder groups in May 2024, and hosted a series of public meetings to seek feedback on a future SV in July 2024. 

At the November 2024 meeting of Council, Councillors resolved to endorse the progress of work required for an application to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a 69.94% permanent Special Rate Variation (SRV) over two years commencing 1 July 2025. 

It is important to note that these increases effectively include the temporary 19% increase applied in 2023/24 and temporary 17% applied in 2024/25. 

The motion put to Council’s November Council meeting endorsed the updated 10 year Long Term Financial Plan to be placed on Council’s website and public exhibition seeking community feedback for a period of 28 days. Council also adopted the recommended changes to the Delivery Program 2022-2026, and for the updated Delivery Program 2022-2026 to be placed on Council’s website and public exhibition seeking community feedback for a period of 28 days. Council resolved to continue to explore opportunities for financial initiatives through cost containment strategies, productivity improvements and revenue opportunities. The final application was presented to Council at the January 2025 extraordinary meeting for consideration. Council resolved to receive and note the report on the Special Rate Variation allocation and endorse the submission of the application to the IPART for a permanent 69.94% increase to general rates over two years commencing 1 July 2025. Once the application is submitted to IPART it will be available on Council's website for viewing. Further updates will be provided to residents and interested stakeholders as this project continues to progress. 

Residents are also encouraged to sign up to Council’s electronic mail out list to stay up to date on this project.

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