How can I be engaged in this project?

At the March 2024 Council meeting, Council endorsed a Communication and Engagement Plan. The aim of this communication and engagement plan is to provide an overarching plan for the way in which Council communicates and engages with its ratepayers and residents on a future Special Variation Application. Council is committed to informing and seeking feedback on a future SV application to increase its general income above the rate peg, under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).

Through implementation of this communication and engagement plan, there will be:

  • Awareness of Council’s current financial challenges and the difficult financial decisions that Council needs to make for the future of our Local Government Area;
  • Awareness of Council’s decision to engage three independent professors to lead and manage the implementation of a future Special Variation application process;
  • Awareness of the SV options modelled in the Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) and proposed service level reductions for community consideration;
  • An understanding of the process for submission and approval to IPART and that Council still needs to decide formally, prior to February 2025 to submit an application and then wait for the determination by IPART in May 2025;
  • An understanding that even if Council chooses to lodge an application with IPART that there is a chance the SV may not be approved;
  • Constructive feedback sought by Council to help inform the SV process;
  • An understanding of the impact a future SV will have on Council’s Operational Plan and longer-term financial sustainability of Council;
  • A well-informed community who understands they can provide submissions directly to Council and also to the determining body - IPART;
  • Clarity on where the additional money is going to be spent if the SV is approved and accountability measures to monitor the implementation of funds both SV related and current general rates income;
  • Clarity on what the plan is if Council chooses not to proceed with an SV application, or if IPART do not approve an SV application; and
  • An understanding of the challenging financial situation facing Federation Council and many other merged and non-merged Councils across the State of NSW.

View the communication and engagement plan below or download(PDF, 559KB).