With the commencement of Spring and the weather warming up, Biosecurity weeds are Iikely to become more prominent over the coming months.
Federation Council undertakes a Biosecurity weed inspection and control program throughout the year on Council land and roadsides to reduce the threat to primary production and biodiversity.
Council is currently prioritising the reduction and elimination of Biosecurity weeds, with a focus on problem weeds such as Chilean Needle Grass, St John's Wort, Spiny Burr Grass, Horehound, African Boxthorn, Blackberry, Silver leaf nightshade and Coolatai Grass to name a few.
A spot spraying program will be undertaken from September through to May with the following herbicides being used;
- Glyphosate 360 Bi Active
- Glyphosate 450,540
- Starane Advanced
- BS 1000 Wetter
- Metsulfuron-methy- Brush-off
- Spray Marker Dye- For High volume spot spray areas.
Council is encouraging landowners to take effective measures to remove weeds from their property including spot spraying, biological control and chip and burn. To assist landowners, a range of information and resources regarding weeds can be found at any Council office, which includes printed materials to help with the identification of weeds. A full list of biosecurity weeds, active growth timings and locations can be found on Council’s website.
For further information about Biosecurity weeds, please contact Council.
Find out further information or contact Council.
Image: St John's Wort.