Council to go live
Published on 29 June 2017
Federation Council will live stream its first Council meeting online today, in a move Council Administrator Mike Eden believes will make the organisation more transparent.
At Federation Council’s February meeting this year Mr Eden said there would be great benefit in raising the profile and interest in meetings through making them more accessible to Council's communities.
“There are a number of councils that record their meetings through video and audio recording,” Mr Eden said.
“Council staff have researched a range of options with regards to the technology that is needed to complete this and the most cost effective option for Council is to record meetings with its own equipment and stream this recording on its YouTube channel.”
Mr Eden said he hoped that by Council live streaming meetings more residents would engage and take interest in future Council meetings.
“Live streaming will allow residents to watch and listen to the meeting in real time, giving them a greater access to Council decision making and debate and encouraging openness and transparency,” he said.
“With life’s many commitments, sometimes it can be difficult for residents to attend our monthly meeting, so this way residents will now be able to watch meetings and keep up to date on the latest topics and issues that will be readily available to them anywhere and anytime.
“Engaging with Federation communities is a big focus for Council in our Draft Delivery Program 2017-2020 and Operational Plan 2017‐2018 and live streaming is a significant step forward in terms of making Council matters more accessible to the community as a whole."
Council’s first meeting will be live streamed on Council's YouTube channel at 2pm, Thursday, 29 June 2017.
To view Council meetings visit the Council Meetings page here.