Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on their experiences of living with disability in the Federation Council area.
- Do you feel welcome and included in your community?
- What barriers do you face that make it hard for you to do the things you want to?
- Can you find and use public toilets?
- How easy is it to access local health, medical and disability support services?
- Are you able to access meaningful employment if you wanted to?
- Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the way council communicates with you?
- Is the Federation Council inclusive?
If you are a person with disability or a parent, family member or carer of a person with disability Council would like to hear your thoughts.
In 2017, the Council adopted its current Disability Inclusion Action Plan. It has laid the groundwork for Council and strengthened its commitment to people with disability through advocacy, planning, project management and accessible resources. Your feedback will assist the Council to develop a new Disability Inclusion Action Plan that outlines what steps the council will take over the next four years to remove barriers and improve access for people with disability.
You can provide feedback in a number of ways:
- Call the Council and organise a face-to-face meeting with Council’s Community Development Team Leader.
- Call and discuss your feedback over the phone P: 02 6033 8999.
- Get creative and show what an inclusive Federation Council looks like by creating us a picture, writing a poem or a song.
- Send an email to Council with your feedback to
- Write your feedback down and post it to Council to PO Box 77, Corowa, NSW, 2646.
- Take one of the surveys online or print and complete a survey. There is an easy read version available.
While the focus of the feedback is on people with a lived experience of disability in the Federation Council area and what is important to them, all residents, businesses, community groups, and service providers are welcome to contribute their views.
The DIAP community consultation is open until Thursday 30 September 2021. To speak with someone about your feedback please contact Amber, Council’s Community Development Team Leader on (02) 6033 8999.