Murray Farm to Plate Program Workshop - Round Two
Published on 26 July 2018
Federation Council is pleased to be partnering with Murray Regional tourism on the Murray F2P program. This program is designed to build on the quality, authenticity and availability of locally produced food and beverage experiences for visitors and locals in the Murray region.
Members of the local food community are invited to come together to review key concepts for developing the Farm to Plate program in the local area.
Program facilitator, Regionality, will present the information collated from Workshop One, along with the next steps towards implementation.
Who should attend?
Businesses throughout the entire supply chain including producers, transport operators, wholesalers and distributors connected to the food service industry and independent retail and hospitality businesses. Previous and new workshop participants are welcome to attend.
There are a series of workshops planned with the closest to the Federation Council area being at Cobram Barooga Golf Club on Thursday 2 August, 10.00am - 12.00pm.
Find out further information and to register for the workshop.