To continue raising the profile of the Corowa region, and to ensure that projects being undertaken, particularly in and around the central Corowa Murray River Foreshore are delivered in a strategic and integrated manner, Integrated Site Design, have been appointed to develop a Murray River Foreshore and Surrounds Precinct Plan for Corowa.
Federation Council Mayor, Cr Patrick Bourke said, “There are up to twelve separate projects that are at various stages from proposed, to under construction, or almost complete, in the area bounded by John Foord Oval, Bangarang Park, Ball Park Caravan Park and the Federation Council Civic Centre precinct in Corowa. And of course, this is not to mention the number of others where clubs and groups have expressed desire to expand and improve facilities, but have yet to be fully developed.”
The Precinct Plan will ensure all these current and future projects work best together to provide a cohesive public precinct, providing connectivity where possible, to improve pedestrian access and general amenity of open space within the identified area, and to maximise use and functionality of the facilities. The plan will also cater for future uses and needs for the large number of community and sporting organisations that utilize these areas on a regular basis for training and competition.
Mayor Bourke said, “Council Staff and Integrated Site Design will be working with the many stakeholder groups over the coming months to develop the Precinct Plan. Wider community engagement will also be undertaken once the stakeholders have presented their plans and ideas and agreement is reached. The same firm has been appointed to prepare the new Ball Park Masterplan and Business Case, and so this provides even more of an advantage to ensure there is a consistent approach across this precinct. By already working with Council, they have knowledge already of Ball Park and immediately surrounding areas.”
Mayor Bourke said, “It is critical to have a strategic lens across this amazing area, an area that is blessed with the amazing Murray River, and surrounding environment including the majestic Red Gums. Council really wants to ensure we can maximise on this, whilst also delivering facilities that are co-located, complimentary and considerate and take opportunities to share facilities also more strategically where possible.”
“Federation Council looks forwarding to delivering the projects in this precinct that are currently under construction including the Bangerang Park playground redevelopment, the new Corowa Swimming Pool complex, and the Ball Park Multisport Pavilion. This is an exciting time for local residents and visitors to our region who will be able to enjoy an unprecedented number of upgrades to facilities in this area in the future," he said.