Playground projects update
Published on 01 April 2017
Playground improvement has been a key and long standing priority within Council's Delivery Program for Corowa, Howlong and Mulwala.
A number of exciting Playground improvement initiatives are currently underway.
The Bangerang Park and RSL Park playgrounds are key play spaces for Corowa. Council has saved funds from developer contributions over a number of years for the improvement of Corowa's playgrounds.
Bangerang Park
The Bangerang Park Playground was removed in November last year as a result of flood damage.
This plan is currently being widely promoted for community input. A survey is available from to collect feedback on this plan and ensure we understand community priorities in respect to playground development in Corowa.
We are hopeful that community feedback will be positive as the plan shows an impressive playground with a large proportion of custom design given the presence and importance Bangerang Park plays at the entry to Corowa.
A new toilet block is proposed as part of the plan (and the existing Cabin toilet block at Bangerang Park would be removed). This will provide both disabled and baby change facilities.
The proposal links the existing Apex Club train to the playground and proposes to beautify this attraction so that it is within the same look and feel as this exciting new play-space.
The opportunity for community feedback will close Monday 10 April and the final plan will then be developed which will consider feedback received.
A grant application to Council's Stronger Communities Major Project Fund has been submitted for this initiative.
Subject to the outcome of community consultation, it is expected that the project should be constructed before Christmas this year.
RSL Park
The existing RSL Park Playground is the most widely used playground in Corowa. Most existing equipment is at the end of its operational life or does not meet standards.
The draft plan proposes to remove most of the existing equipment (everything except the modular activity/climbing unit) but shows a great range of new and engaging equipment which should cater for a diverse age group and needs.
The Corowa RSL Club has maintained the RSL Gardens for many years as a valuable community service and in addition to this, the RSL Club have confirmed further financial support for the new playground.
Council was also successful in securing a $18,500 grant from the Australian Government Community Builders Grant for this project.
Together with the Bangerang Park development, this plan is also being promoted for community feedback. A grant application was also submitted to Council's Stronger Communities Major Project Fund.
Subject to the outcome of community feedback, it is also hoped that this playground can be constructed before Christmas this year.
The consultation period for the proposed new Lowe Square Playground in Howlong has closed.
Council received an excellent level of constructive input from the Howlong community in respect to priorities for the Lowe Square Playground.
Lowe Square
A number of changes have been made to the draft plan that was publicly displayed, to address the key priorities from the community feedback provided. This has resulted in the scale of the playground increasing.
Key changes in accordance with community feedback have included:
- Inclusion of a basket swing
- Inclusion of normal swings
- Addition of a flying fox
- A larger slide
- Removal of the musical instruments (the above elements were seen as a much higher priority)
- The reuse of the bouncing toys donated by the Opportunity Shop
- Addition of monkey bars
- Existing Shade-Sails will be re-used but all other existing equipment will be removed as it does not meet Playground Standards.
The final plan can be viewed here.
A small Skate Park is proposed as part of the new playground and a planning and design project is currently underway to determine this.
While the playground is now ready to be built, the best outcome will be achieved by constructing both the playground and skate park at the same time. We are currently working through a timetable for this and will promote this widely.
The Howlong Lions Club (and Lions Australia) has generously committed $25,000 towards the development of the Skate Park along with $5,000 from the Howlong Op Shop and $15,000 from the Howlong Youth Park Committee. A grant application for planning, design and construction of the skate park was submitted to Council's Stronger Communities Major Project Fund for this project.
Memorial Park
The Howlong Playground Survey also asked residents what the preferred location would be for a second (smaller) playground in Howlong. There was almost unanimous support for this to be Memorial Park and so plans will also now be prepared for a playground in Memorial Park.
Playground equipment at Lions Park and Memorial Park in Howlong was removed following flood damage late last year and because it was very old and did not meet standards. It is not proposed that any new equipment will be installed at Lions Park.
The Community Playground Group of Yarrawonga Mulwala Development Inc. have raised $350,000 and a significant level of in-kind contributions towards the construction of an All Abilities Adventure Playground at Purtle Park in Mulwala.
This Adventure Playground will provide challenging play equipment for all children aged 0-15 years and will be developed as a regional playground aimed at drawing visitors, especially families, to Mulwala. The scale and nature of the project will be similar to the adventure playgrounds in Moama, Shepparton, Bright, Myrtleford, Griffith and Albury but will include unique features that will help to ensure it is a favourite destination of choice.
A grant application has been prepared to Council's Stronger Communities Major Projects Fund to progress this project. This application includes contribution to the design and construction of the playground as well as building a new toilet block (with disabled access and baby change facilities) which is an important part of the new playground.