Positive Discussion to Develop Emergency Services Hub Corowa Aerodrome

Published on 23 August 2024

Corowa Airport

Federation Council General Manager, Adrian Butler and Member for Albury Justin Clancy have welcomed constructive conversations with NSW Minister for Emergency Service Jihad Dib, exploring the possibility of using Corowa Aerodrome as a future hub for local emergency services.

Council attended a recent meeting in Sydney to share information about local conversations held with the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) and the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS), as part of the Council’s soon-to-be finalised Service Review of Corowa Aerodrome.

Mr Clancy said the expansion of emergency service resources at the Redlands Rd site, would facilitate the efficient and timely deployment of assets at times of natural disasters, such as bushfires and floods, as well as medical evacuations.

Federation General Manager Adrian Butler welcomed the meeting with Minister Dib, facilitated by Mr Clancy, that also included NSW Rural Fire Service Deputy Commissioner, Field Operations, Peter McKechnie.

“I would like to express my thanks to local member Justin Clancy MP MLA who was able to arrange the meeting for Council to meet and discuss opportunities,” Mr Butler said.

“It was very useful to be able to express Council’s local discussions with the State Emergency Service and the Rural Fire Service, to the Ministers level, about a possible expansion of the RFS facility at the Corowa Aerodrome, to house a new SES facility also.  The Minister was supportive of Council undertaking some planning around this, pending this being consistent with the outcomes of the soon to be finalised Service Review for the Corowa Aerodrome.”

Mr Butler said the Minister expressed encouragement to also have discussions with the local Corowa Volunteer Rescue Association (VRA), as he understands that they may also be looking for a larger/new base. 

“Council looks forward to progressing these discussions,” he said. 

Mr Clancy thanked Minister Dib for his interest in the proposal.

“There is an opportunity to see activation of the aerodrome precinct whilst providing a base for our emergency services well into the future. I look forward to these discussions progressing between local emergency services, government & Federation Council”, Mr Clancy said.

Whilst at the meeting, with the Ministers agreement, Mr Butler was able to express Council’s concerns around the Rural Fire Service operations at present and will follow up on concerns raised by local volunteers further. 

Mr Butler was also directed by Council following the July meeting, to raise the issue of the costs to run the Corowa Branch of the Service NSW agency, not matching the income Council receives from the State Government to deliver their services. 

“Our staff do a fantastic job for the wider community to deliver this State Government service, and Council looks forward to working further to bring this service back to full cost recovery for Council,” he said. 

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