Q Fever precautions
Published on 01 November 2018
NSW Health is urging people in regional NSW to take precautions against Q fever as drought and windy conditions raise the risk of the disease being spread across the state.
Dr Vicky Sheppeard, Director Communicable Diseases NSW Health, said people can be infected if they inhale dust containing dried animal secretions, which can be widely spread by winds.
“Q fever is a bacterial infection carried by cattle, goats, sheep and other domesticated and wild animals, so people who work on the land are most at risk,” Dr Sheppeard said.
In these current dry, windy conditions, the bacteria can spread over vast areas, so we’re urging people working with animals to be aware of symptoms and take steps to protect themselves.”
Q fever symptoms often appear like a very severe flu, and include high fevers and chills, severe sweats, severe headaches, muscle and joint pains and extreme fatigue.
Dr Sheppeard said a single dose vaccine is recommended for people who work in high risk occupations and anyone over 15 years who has the potential to be exposed to Q fever.
“The risk of infection can also be reduced by thoroughly washing your hands and arms after contact with animals or their products and wearing personal protective equipment when carrying out high risk activities with animals.
“People aged over 15 who live or work on the land should talk to their GP about getting a vaccination as the illness can affect your entire working life,” Dr Sheppeard said.
The number of annual cases in NSW has ranged from 181 to 263 in the last five years, with the highest number in 2015, which was another dry year. Q fever cases mostly occur in the north and west regions, affecting men aged 40 years and over.
The NSW Government has invested $475,000 to help protect farmers and other people in rural areas who work with animals. This includes $275,000 for a Q fever education campaign $200,000 for research into an improved vaccine for the bacterial infection.
NSW Health has partnered with NSW Farmers and Country Women’s Associations to raise awareness of Q fever in regional NSW. NSW Health has also sponsored a GP education module through the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine to help GPs recognise and prevent Q fever. Over 318 GPs have already enrolled in this module.
In addition to vaccination, the following steps can protect against Q fever.
· Washing hands and arms thoroughly in soapy water after any contact with animals
· Wearing a properly fitting mask and gloves.
· Covering wounds with waterproof dressings when handling or disposing of animal products or when mowing or gardening in areas with livestock or native animals.