Safer speed limit in Corowa

Published on 28 August 2020


Journeys in Corowa will soon be safer with a reduction to the speed limit on Spring Drive, from next month.

Transport for NSW Director South West, Lindsay Tanner said Transport for NSW recently carried out a review of the speed limit on Spring Drive to improve safety.

“The review assessed a number of factors including crash history, traffic volume, road intersections and property access points,” Mr Tanner said.

“The review recommended lowering the 100 km/h speed limit to 80 km/h on the length of Spring Drive from 115 metres west of Adams Street to 75 metres west of Croppers Road – a distance of about 1.6 kilometres.

“This new speed limit will improve safety for all road users and reduce the likelihood of crashes, while adding minimal times to journeys.”

The new speed limit will take effect from Monday 7 September.

Signs will be in place to advise motorists of the changed traffic conditions. Road users are asked to keep an eye out for the changes and follow the directions of signs.

Members of the community can sign up at the Safer Roads NSW website to receive updates about changes to permanent speed limits in their nominated area and to have a say on speed limits.



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