Census data is used to build a better future for us all. It’s used to inform decisions on issues that touch our lives every day, from schools, healthcare, transport and infrastructure to local services for individuals, families and communities.
For example:
- the number of people in remote areas tells doctors where life-saving help is needed most
- local birth rates help plan local playgroups that connect families
- understanding languages used at home links migrants to community services like English lessons.
Every household and person in Australia on Census night must be included, including visitors to Australia, international students and babies.
Instructions will be delivered to households in early August. You can start your Census as soon as you receive them, if you know where you’ll be on Census night, Tuesday 10 August. You can complete online, by paper, or with help from us.
All personal information collected is kept safe and is not shared with anyone. You and your family can’t be identified by the information you put on your Census.
Make sure you participate this August. When you complete your Census, you’re helping to build a better future for all of us.
Visit the Census website or call 1800 512 441 for more information.