Yarrawonga Mulwala Bridge Survey Results

Published on 22 July 2019


Tuesday the 16th July 2019 marked a new beginning with Federation Council responding to the results from the recent community survey on the preferred alignment of the new bridge over Lake Mulwala.  Both the Yarrawonga and Mulwala and surrounding communities clearly demonstrated their support for the green route and Council has now endorsed this as the preferred alignment.   This is now consistent with the Moira Shires preferred alignment.

Council surveyed the Mulwala community via postcode, of those on the electoral role, during May/June 2019 to understand their views of the preferred route of the new Yarrawonga Mulwala Bridge.  The survey process was voluntary and Council strongly encouraged participation by the Mulwala community.

The completed survey documentation and results were independently distributed and collated by a mailing and survey management firm.  The results showed a total of 1562 surveys were distributed on 25 May 2019, with 28 days to return them.   867 completed surveys were returned, and 73 unopened surveys were returned.  Of those who voted, 604 (70%) were in favour of option one (Green route); and 259 (30%) were in favour of option two (Grey route). Six responses did not clearly pick an option that could be identified. Two ticked both options.

This is a return rate of just over 55%, considered extremely high for a voluntary survey.   This is a strong validation of the topics importance to the community, and justifies Councils decision to conduct the survey.  It is also a very strong representative sample, to gain 55% of the views of a particular target audience.

Download the full media release from this page.

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