Federation Council Policy Register is a record of the policies adopted by Council, which assist in setting the framework within which we perform our service and regulatory responsibilities.
This Policy Register is regularly reviewed, with new policies added or amended as they are adopted by Council.
As residents of Federation Council you may be asked to provide feedback on Draft Policies on Public Exhibition.
The below directory lists Council’s current policies. All documents are alphabetically indexed for easy access.
Council Policies
Asset Management Policy(PDF, 218KB)
Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 747KB)
Business Ethics Policy(PDF, 231KB)
Cemetery Policy(PDF, 279KB)
Chain of Responsibility Policy(PDF, 995KB)
Child Protection Policy(PDF, 709KB)
Closed Circuit TV Policy(PDF, 422KB) and Procedure(PDF, 728KB)
Code of Conduct(PDF, 483KB)
Code of Meeting Practice Policy (PDF, 840KB)
Complaints Handling Policy(PDF, 887KB)
Compliance & Enforcement Policy(PDF, 417KB) and Procedure(PDF, 498KB)
Contaminated Lands Policy(PDF, 488KB)
Council Hall & Facilities Hire Policy(PDF, 657KB)
Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy(PDF, 282KB)
Council-related Development Application Conflict of Interest Policy(PDF, 282KB)
Delegations of Authority Council to GM Policy(PDF, 692KB)
Delegations of Authority Council to Mayor Policy(PDF, 720KB)
Debt Management and Hardship Policy(PDF, 435KB)
Festival and Event Management Policy(PDF, 622KB)
Financial Assistance and Donations Policy(PDF, 740KB)
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy(PDF, 888KB)
Gifts and Benefits Policy(PDF, 241KB)
Grants Management Policy(PDF, 1MB)
Investment Policy(PDF, 1MB)
Legislative Compliance Policy(PDF, 249KB)
Liquid Trade Waste Policy(PDF, 2MB).
Local Orders Policy - Keeping Animals / Birds(PDF, 953KB)
Live Streaming of Council Meetings Policy(PDF, 500KB)
Media Policy(PDF, 429KB)
Privacy Policy(PDF, 858KB)
Privacy Management Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Procedures for Administration of Model Code of Conduct(PDF, 1MB)
Procurement Policy(PDF, 355KB)
Public Art Policy(PDF, 1MB)
Public Interest Disclosure Policy(PDF, 386KB)
Related Party Disclosure Policy(PDF, 1MB)
Revenue Policy(PDF, 2MB)
Risk Management Policy(PDF, 796KB)
Section 355 Committee Policy(PDF, 537KB)
Signs as Remote Supervision Policy(PDF, 994KB)
Social Media Policy(PDF, 437KB)
Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Policy(PDF, 978KB)
Use of Council Seal (PDF, 253KB)
Work Health & Safety Policy(PDF, 210KB)
If you have any enquiries about Council’s policies or require assistance, please contact Council.
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