Integrated Development - 184 River Street, South Corowa
Proposal: Jetty and Pontoon
Property: Lot 32 DP592030 - 184 River St, South Corowa
Applicant: Kylaire Holdings Pty Ltd
Consent Authority: Federation Council
Federation Council, being the consent authority, has received an Integrated Development Application In accordance with Section 2.22 and Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the application is on public exhibition from 19th March 2025 to 16 April 2025 inclusive.
The application is also development for which concurrence from other authorities is required under Chapter 5 of SEPP (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021 (formerly the Murray REP 2 provisions). Any person may inspect this application and accompanying documentation at the following Federation Council locations from 19th March 2025.
• Council Website: Download Application.
Any person interested in making a submission should do so in writing addressed to the General Manager, Federation Council, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646 or email to
Submissions will be received up to 5:00pm on 16th April 2025. Where a submission is by way of an objection, the grounds of the objections are required to be specified in the submission.
Submissions are not confidential and if the application is reported to Council for determination, Council only redacts signatures, phone numbers and email addresses included in any submission.
You can request (in writing) that your name and address be suppressed if you consider that your, or your family's safety or well-being may be affected if the information is not suppressed.
Council’s Community Participation Plan outlines how Council manages submissions and the information contained within them. The Community Participation Plan may be viewed here.
If you require further information, please contact Council’s Planning and Development Team on (02) 6033 8999.